Ep: 164 Carol Lefevre/Bookoccino/Pamela Freeman

In this week’s episode, I talk to Carol LeFevre about her new novella Murmurations. https://www.carollefevre.com/

Lives merge and diverge; they soar and plunge, or come to rest in impenetrable silence. Erris Cleary’s absence haunts the pages of this exquisite novella, a woman who complicates other lives yet confers unexpected blessings. Fly far, be free, urges Erris. Who can know why she smashes mirrors? Who can say why she does not heed her own advice?

Among the sudden shifts and swings something hidden must be uncovered, something dark and rotten, even evil, which has masqueraded as normality. In the end, it will be a writer’s task to reclaim Erris, to bear witness, to sound in fiction the one true note that will crack the silence.

New Segments:

Book news and reviews with Cassie Hamer: Harper Collins initiative. New books from Fiona Palmer, Micheal Robotham, Gabriel Bergmoser, Anna Downes, and Matt Stanton.

Independent bookstore featured Bookoccino in  Avalon Beach NSW  for upcoming events. https://www.bookoccino.com.au/

Books Sally mentioned were:

Fiction; The Glass Hotel by Emily St.John Mandel, Kate Grenville’s A Room made of Leaves, The Margo Affair by Sanaë Lemoine, John Bolton & Mary Trump on Donald Trump.

Non-Fiction: Phosphorescence by Julia Baird.  Children’s: Finding Francois by Gus Gordon

Writing questions and answers with Pamela Freeman https://www.pamelafreeman.com/https://www.pamela-hart.com/

Podcast recommendation: Talking Aussie Books with Claudine Tinellis. https://www.claudinetinellis.com/podcast-1

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